Do you have any grass clippings, branches, prunings from shrubs and trees, and weeds for disposal after cleaning your yard? Make the most of the FREE green waste drop-off days at the Ferny Grove Resource Recovery Centre on Upper Kedron Road.
Open from 6:30 a.m. to 5:45 p.m. on Saturday, 25 Sept, the initiative ensures that garden wastes from households can be properly disposed of. On regular dates, residents will have to use their waste vouchers to pay the disposal fee or register for Council’s green waste recycling service.
To dispose of your garden waste, go to the free recycling area first then drive to a second weighbridge that leads to the other disposal areas.
Please ensure that you’re dressed for safety with fully enclosed shoes, long pants, as well protective glasses and gloves when you go to the recovery centre. The facility is a non-smoking site and if you have children under 12 years old or pets coming along, they should remain in the vehicle at all times.
Garden waste may be recycled as a nutrient-rich soil conditioner for land reclamation sites and agriculture areas. If you are not composting at home, it would be best to take these at the Ferny Grove Resource Recovery Centre. Please take note not to include garden wastes that have contaminants, such as grass cuttings with herbicides.

The Ferny Grove Resource Recovery Centre, which opens daily, is a part of the National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme for households to dispose of their old TVs or computers. However, the site also accepts garden and landscape waste, paper and cardboard materials, other electrical appliances and white goods, paint and paint solvents, and motor and grease oil.