The Gap Neighbourhood Plan – What’s Happened So Far and How to Get Involved

Photo credit: Cr Steven Toomey - The Gap Ward/Facebook

As Brisbane City Council continues to create a neighbourhood plan for the suburb of The Gap, the community is urged to get involved in the process.

The Gap Neighbourhood Plan will form a general guideline for future developments in the area. The plan aims to strike a balance by spurring economic activity while maintaining the suburban lifestyle of locals.

So far, the council has reached out to members of the community via an online survey to get a better idea of what the community wants to see happen in the area. A Community Planning Team has also been formed in 2016 to develop a draft neighbourhood plan strategy, which is expected to be released in mid-2017.

Coverage of the Neighbourhood Plan

(Source: Brisbane City Council)

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Main Issues and Concerns

Through the online survey conducted from May 2016 to August 2016, the city council found the issues and concerns that are most important to residents in The Gap.

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Top concerns include:

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  • Improved traffic flow and main road decongestion
  • Better public transport services
  • Need for improvements to bicycle ways and footpaths
  • Maintenance of parks and open spaces
  • Appropriate development densities

In general, locals will like to have more natural green spaces, easy access to parks and play areas for children, quiet and peaceful areas, and bushland character.

Next Steps

The planning team will release the neighbourhood plan strategy to test the ideas raised by the team and the council’s technical studies. Locals will have a chance to comment on the strategy presented.

After receiving community feedback, the council will start preparing the draft neighbourhood plan during the latter part of 2017. This plan will then be reviewed by the Queensland Government.

In mid-2018, the draft neighbourhood plan will become part of Brisbane City Plan 2014.

To stay updated on The Gap Neighbourhood Plan, subscribe to email updates from Brisbane City Council.

You can also:
email the project team
write to them at
Neighbourhood Planning Brisbane (The Gap Neighbourhood Plan)
Brisbane City Council
GPO Box 1434
Brisbane Qld 4001

Find out more about The Gap Neighbourhood Plan.