New Scooter Track Coming to Wittonga Park in The Gap

Wittonga Park will soon have a new scooter track! Work on this new project in The Gap, one of four scooter tracks earmarked for completion in 2022, commenced in early August.

The scooter track at Wittonga Park was designed for children of various ages to build confidence as they use the course. Younger players will be able to start by mastering small sections of the course. Older children, on the other hand, should be able to master and complete the whole track loop fairly quickly.

Photo Credit:  Antonius Ferret / Pexels

The construction works at Wittonga Park include the installation of raised roundabout platforms, a series of moguls, a two-way concrete track, and a series of texture panels.

Photo Credit: Cr Steven Toomey / Facebook

Cr Steven Toomey also said that there will also be a vine-covered tunnel for the flora & fauna of area.

Apart from Wittonga Park, three other parks will also get their own scooter park:

  • Paul Conti Park, Hemmant – includes a new playground next to the track and a new picnic shelter (Start of construction in late May 2022)
  • Shaftesbury Street Park, Tarragindi – includes a new picnic shelter (Start of construction mid-May 2022)
  • Kathleen Street Park, Richlands (Start of construction late July 2022)

Council said that the new scooter tracks will be based on the award-winning track in Bradbury Park in Kedron that was unveiled in June 2021.

All four tracks are slated to be completed before 2022 ends.