The Gap Residents Adamant to Prevent Emergency Access Onto Mt Nebo Road

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The Gap residents are still against the plan for a second access onto Mt Nebo Road as part of the Ferny Grove-Upper Kedron Neighbourhood Plan.

The last day of submission of suggestions to the council has passed and a lot of residents have expressed animosity towards the plan to build a second access onto Mt Nebo Road, citing the inevitable increase of traffic in the area.

Photo credit: Google Maps


Their Issues

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The draft for the neighbourhood plan only proposes emergency access onto the road. Residents are worried that over time, “emergency access” will turn into a full vehicle access road. Creating another access onto Mt Nebo Road is deemed unacceptable by the residents saying that this would worsen the existing traffic congestion along the Waterworks Road corridor.

They also think that such access can cause harm to their health due to an increase in air pollutants. Other issues include an increase on vehicle strikes on the conservation of significant fauna, compromise accessibility to residential and business areas, higher risk of injuries to leisure users since there are a lot of people who use the road especially cyclists on the weekends.

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To add to that, the Western Brisbane Transport Network Strategy published by the Queensland Government’s Department of Transport and Main Roads, doesn’t see any necessary improvements to be done on the Waterworks Road corridor. This places limitations on the road’s capacity to accommodate an increase in transportation associated with the Cedar Woods development.

The council is now reviewing the submissions they have received on the draft neighborhood plan. And once everything is complete, this neighborhood plan will be a part of Brisbane’s planning scheme, Brisbane City Plan 2014.