Developer of the Nova Nursery Development project had confirmed that 74 trees will be removed from the former Nova Gardens nursery at 80 Settlement Rd, The Gap.
Credit: Facebook/GAPRA – The Gap Residents’ Association
Residents were outraged as one of the trees considered to be amongst the most beautiful ones in The Gap at the old Nova Gardens site has been taken down last 14 May 2018. The beautiful tree is just one of the many trees set to be taken down to make way for the construction of multi-unit dwellings on the site.

Concerned locals have been vocal about the planned removals in the said development. In the approved Vegetation Management Plan of the project, a total of 94 trees were identified to be removed from the site.
However, according to DevCorp, the developer of the Multi-Unit dwelling project at the old Nova Gardens nursery, they have reduced the number of trees to be cut down to 74 after adding a bike path along the development.

A document provided by Steven Toomey,Councillor for The Gap Ward, to The Gap Residents’ Association, shows that the Council had initially rejected the development application but the final conditions have been approved following an appeal by the developer to the Planning & Environment Court.

Since it was lodged in November 2008, the development application has received 33 submissions from concerned residents stating that the development will have a negative community and environmental impact.
The former Nova Gardens nursery is soon to become Tallowwood, The Gap once the development was completed. A total of 51 apartments were set to be constructed in the 1.82-hectare land.