The Gap Shoppers Included In Coles’ Top Ten Most Generous In QLD

The Gap shoppers have shown tremendous support to the three-week SecondBite Winter Appeal held by Coles Supermarkets, raising over $3,200.

In the SecondBite promotion, Coles shoppers can purchase a $2 donation card that will provide ten healthy meals to people in need. All of the funds go to the efforts of SecondBite that will aid in collecting, sorting, storing, and redistributing healthy meals.

The Gap was included in the list of the top ten most generous shoppers in Queensland according to Coles.

Jerry Farrell, the Coles State general manager is overwhelmed by the support from local shoppers. Their Queensland stores have garnered over $147,000 worth of donations.

With the influx of donations all over the country, SecondBite will be able to feed more than three million people.

SecondBite workers are working with community food programs across the nation to redistribute surplus fresh food. The food is donated by wholesalers, markets, farmers, supermarkets, events, and caterers.

As an organisation, SecondBite was established in 2005. Today, it is a national organisation with warehouse locations all over the country. They are committed to improving the access of people in need of fresh healthy food.